Tuesday, August 24, 2010

US Electric Car

State whether your group represents a consumer, small or large business, American or Foreign company.
Then breifly address the scenarios described in #1-4.  Clearly stating how where you see opportunities, threats, conflicts, and direct or indirect consequences for you, your company or your world. Remember...what motivates us all, whether as an individual or as a representative of a company...is the bottom line.  Or is that all that motivates us to act?


  1. Here is an example post.
    Names: Farra, Jane, Jim, Renee
    Group: Small American Consumer
    Blah, blah, blah

  2. Names: Brianna, Sean
    Group: Forgien Consumer
    #1. its good cause they dont have that much money. its bad if they dont have widespread electricity.
    #2. bad because in families that grow there own food and drink out of lakes and stuff and dont have a filter the acid will harm them.
    #3. if the u.s economy is bad thats a indicator of a poor world economy.
    #4. good because it helps the economy of the foreign country.

  3. Names: Connor, Denton
    Group: Small American Business (Car Parts)
    Viewpoint 1: Good for our business, we can sell to the new consumers of this car and use it for transport for our employees
    Vewpoint 2: Bad, once people realize the negative effects of the battery less people will buy this car so we will lose our customers
    Viewpoint 3: Good because we can pay our workers less to do their job but also bad because less people are spending money on cars and improving their cars parts.
    Viewpoint 4: Bad because they would buy the foreign parts because they would be cheaper than ours.

  4. Names: Tucker, Ben, Devin
    Group: Large American Busniess
    Make a better version of the car and out source the labor so it will sell for less.

    Sell better batteries to the company that makes the cars.

    Outsource American jobs.

    Advertise patriotism so people will buy American cars.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Names: Kaleigh, Russell, Veronica
    Group: Foreign Business
    View point 1: We are a small Italian delivery restaurant who work in Rome, a very busy and jam-packed city. We need small vehicles and the two-seater would be great. Due to the cheap price we could charge the batteries during closing hours, so they would be ready during business hours.

    View point 2: To solve the leaky battery issue, the we would buy our batteries from a different company. Although they may be more expensive, the profit of our deliveries would make up for it.

    View point 3: We could create a new product to compete against America for when they do start creating new products resulting in more jobs.

    View point 4: We could join together (or merge) with the more prosperous foreign business to share the profits. Or, we could create a more efficient or overall new product to surpass the old, and sell it for a cheaper price.

  7. Names: Eric, Nick
    Group: Average American Consumer
    View Point:
    Viewpoint #1: This seems like a very good priced car and will be widely used by an average american consumer.
    Viewpoint #2: Due to its poular demand a lot of people will buy these cars. This could make environmental problems.
    Viewpoint #3: This could financially wreck the American economy.
    Viewpoint #4: This could ruin the car business in America

  8. Name: Philip, Alek
    Group: American Consumer
    View point 1: We believe this product is very useful to us because it gives us a way to save money and a way to purchase a vehicle. Also we like this product because we can be enviornmentally conscience because, we are not burning fossil fuels. Finally this car also helps us save money because we do not have to buy gas.
    View point 2: Our view is that we no longer like the product as much as we did even though it provides a cheap form of transportation it harms the enviornment and reduces our standard of living.
    view point 3: We do not like the lay offs because we may loose our jobs, and the total econmy will go down with so many job losses which may cause our employer to lay us of two. So we want to buy American cars but if the company still lays of workers then it didnt really matter if we bought US or foreign cars.
    View point 4: We believe this competition is good because it gives us the consumer more options when purchasing a vehicle. Although this competition may cause problems for the US companies we believe this competition is good because it forces all companies to advance their technology and not to overprice their cars.

  9. Name: Jessica, Alvin, Joseph
    Group: Small American Business
    Viewpoint #1-4
    #1 This will be very good for us because it would boast our economy, make us more profit because the cars are inexpensive, with a reasonable amount of mileage.
    #2 Now this would harm us because extremists will rise up and may protest against our new car batteries for harming and polluting the environment. Maybe even sue. Causing people not to buy or product and possibly harming our business.
    #3 With workers being unemployed and not making money. This would harm our business a lot because than we would make less sales for our cars since 25% of workers are laid off, and can't get money for our new cars.
    #4 Foreign firms would harm out business because they sell items that are popular for less. Which more people would go to foreign firms than to ours. Harming our business a lot.

  10. Names: Lorenzo, Paul, Chase, Mac
    Group: Foreign Business
    Viewpoint#1: That will be bad for our businesses but we will able to make a cheap car to compete with it and hope to beat out.

    Viewpoint#2: The batteries failed for the new car so we can correct the failures of the batteries and sell it.

    Viewpoint#3: The American workers who are laid off would be bad for the economy so we can hire the workers to make the "ends" meet.

    Viewpoint#4: The closures of american cars and trucks will bring for business to use so its a posituve things towards our businesses.
