Thursday, September 16, 2010

Extending Bush Tax Cuts- How Could this Effect My Small Business?

Tax cuts overdue for a trim

What are the Bush tax cuts?

The cuts in question are tax changes that were enacted during the Bush administration that dramatically cut income and estate tax rates and revenues. The key bills were passed in 2001 and 2003.

The 2001 tax package was especially sweeping. Its two most prominent changes were a cut in individual income tax rates and a phase-out -- and one-year repeal -- of the estate tax. The top rate for taxpayers in the highest bracket dropped from 39.6% to 35%, while the rate for the next bracket down fell from 36% to 33%.

The 2003 tax cut reduced the income tax rates applied to long-term capital gains and dividends. Prior to 2003, long-term capital gains were taxed at 20 percent, and dividends were taxed at regular income tax rates. The 2003 legislation dropped the rate on most long-term capital gains and dividends to 15 percent.

The Facts of the Debate on Tax Cuts

Greenspan on Tax Cuts - Read or Listen to ALL links on this site.

Video CNBC Taxing the Rich...Will it Work?

Obama on Tax Cuts

Bloomberg Video on Small Bus Confidence- What is article not read, just scan.  Watch video.

  1. Write a comment on both Blog A and Blog B
  2. Put your First and Last Name at the top of each Blog and Return Comment.
  3. The state "A" or "B" at the top of your comment.
  4. Support your comment well. Make intelligent statements...passion is ok.
  5. Comment on at least two other people's blog. (Try to pick at least one that has not been commented on).  Make at least two rebuttals to comments that were made to you about your blog.
Blog A
You own a small business and your personal salary is $375,000 annually.  You want to hire more employees.  You want to buy the building next door to you and expand your business by taking over this space.  You need all the capital you can get for growth of your business.  You want the Bush Tax Cuts extended for everyone.  Why?

Blog B
You are a business owner and your business is successful, but you really need to see the economy pick up.  You have a salary above $250,000.  You want the Bush Tax Cuts to expire or at least for the wealthier.  Why?